What are Allergies?

Allergies are a very common topic of conversation in our lives – they are so…

Diagnosing Allergies

Many people with untreated allergy symptoms aren’t aware of how much…

Symptoms of Allergies

Histamine causes most of the allergic symptoms that occur during an allergic…

Treatment of Allergies

The treatment for an allergy depends on the allergen which is causing the…

Causes of Allergies

The substance responsible for causing an allergy is called an allergen.6 Allergens…


Asthma is the term describing a specific type of breathing problem which is due to the narrowing of the airways. This narrowing is caused when the body releases certain chemicals in response to a trigger. This chemical leads…


If you have an allergy to pollen you may get a break from your allergy during the winter, but be warned, allergies are not always caused by spring and summer pollens. Spending time indoors during the winter months may also…


The terms eczema and dermatitis are generally used interchangeably. According to the American Academy of Dermatology – eczema is the term used to describe a skin condition that causes the skin to swell and…